
92 Priests Come out Against the TLC

92 Catholic priests used the Episcopal conference last Wednesday to announce the publication of a 42 page letter written and signed by them criticizing the CAFTA and confirming their opposotion to the treaty. In the document entitled Valoración Ética del Tratado de Libre Comercio they argue the treaty implies a radical reform of the state leading to the imposition of a neoliberal economic model and the concomitant growth of social injustice. They criticize the secretism with which the treaty was negotiated, the lack of preparation and experience of the the negotiators, as well as their lack of professional integrity, the climate of fear and anxiety, the promises not kept, the absence of a Central American common position, and the campaign of disinformation. They then give a succinct summary of the negative consequences the treaty (it is a treaty, not and agreement - a very important legal difference) will have in their opinion in the areas of national sovereignty, intellectual property rights, agriculture, environment, social equality, respect for human life, and access to natural resources. After describing the imbalance between the winners and the losers of this treaty, they denounce the pressure that some companies are putting on their employees to vote in favor. This document avoids confronting the official Church position, according to which church officials are not to take position on the CAFTA, directly, by presenting itself as merely an ethical guideline. Archbishop Barrantes has reaffirmed the official neutrality of the Church but added that no sanctions would be applied to the priests, a request made by the minister of the presidency, Rodrigo Arias.

To read the document, go to:

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